Beautiful Hijab Quotes and Sayings For Muslim Women in English with Images 2022 by

A hijab is a veil worn by Muslim Women to cover their body to maintain modesty and privacy from unrelated males. The Quran (Chapter 24, verse 31) instructs men to observe modesty: “Say to the believing men that they restrain their eyes and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Surely, Allah is well aware of what they do.”Hijab, niqab and burkha are the types of veils to be used by Muslim women. Muslim men are also asked to lower their gaze. Hijab should be worn as a faith not fashion which is being common nowadays. 

If you are looking for Hijab Quotes, then we have some hijab quotes for you. Hope you like it and share it. 

1) "Hijab is the veil that has to be drawn over our body,our behavior and our speech."

2) "Hijab is for the body, Haya is for the Soul."

3) "Hijab is Faith, not Fashion."

4) "You only see what I allow you to see now That’s Freedom. "

5) "A woman modestly dressed is a pearl in its Shell."

6) "You are a modest queen, that knows her true worth by keeping her modest heart secure with shyness."

7) “The Muslim Women is Clothed in Strength & Dignity. She Trust in Allah & Smiles  without fear of the future.”

8) “Modesty Comes in More Than Just Our Physical Appearance. Our Entire Bodies, personalities and thoughts Should Emanate Modesty.”

9) "Beauty is like a book it can not be judged by its cover."

10) “Haya (Modesty) Does not bring anything except good” – Muhammad Peace be upon him.

11) "Hijab – Because you’re worth it."

12) “This Hijab, This mark of Piety, is an act of faith, a symbol for all the world to see…”

13) “Hijab with a bad attitude isn’t Hijab, Hijab with tight Clothes on Isn’t Hijab, Hijab With Hair on the side isn’t Hijab, Hijab with layers of Makeup isn’t Hijab… Hijab is beautiful so make it look beautiful.”

14) “Hijab My Right My Choice My Life. ”

15) “Hijab includes the way a person walks, talks, looks and thinks, All of it should be done modestly and applies to both Men and Women.”

16) “It’s not just  a HIJAB it is our key to JANNAH”

17) "It is better to lose something for the almighty than to lose the almighty for something."

18) “Everything precious is covered!!! A woman modestly dressed is like a pearl in its shell.”

19) “I don’t care what others say I wear my Hijab for the sake of ALLAH (Subanahu wa ta’ala)”

20) “I am satisfied that my religion commands me to cover my body why is my hijab your problem ?”

21) “Hijab is beautiful, so make it look beautiful, wear it with love, wear it with pride, and most of all wear it Right.”

22) “Hijab is not about oppression but freedom from evil eyes.”

23) “If a woman has the right to show off what she has, then she also has the right to cover it up too.”

24) “If Modernism is being naked then animals are more modern than humans.” Quote By Dr. Zakir Naik

25) "Yes, it’s HOT, it’s HARD, It’s Different, But I LOVE wearing it…"

26) "In a world full of KARDASHIANS aspire to be like KHADIJAH."

27) "Keep your noor just for your Spouse."

28) “It is not the cloth that oppresses the women, it is the illiterate mind.”

29) "A hijab forces a man to look at a woman with respect rather than as an object."

30) "Don’t Let your last day on earth be the first day you wear hijab."

31) "Many sisters complain that people don’t want to marry them unless they stop wearing a hijab. No man is worth your hijab, and a real man wouldn’t request you to take it off in the first place."

32) "The hijab, or sikh turban, or Jewish skullcap are all explicit symbols, but they do not represent a threat or affront to others, and have no bearing on the competence, skills and intelligence of a person."

33) "In this age of nudity, the more you reveal the cheaper you are regarded, even if the world makes you feel you are liberated.
Modest dress plays a key role in the purification of the soul & deep inner contentment."

34) “All Praises be to ALLAH who guided me to wear Hijab.”

35) “My Hijab is my dignity, my respect, and my honor, and I will never trade it for this temporary world.”

36) "Your Hijab is a barrier that blocks so much negativity coming your way."

37) "Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground, covered and protected."

38) "Your Hijab is a barrier that blocks so many negativity coming your way."

39) "Some of us cover to protect our bodies and some of us cover to protect our souls. In both cases, respect their choices."

40) “Brothers Learn the meaning of Hijab for men. it is not something for women only. lower your gaze & respect women.”

41) "Our hijab is our Strength and our obedience to Allah."

42) “To all hijabis who are wearing niqab/hijab/abaya in this heat, may Allah shade you on the day that there is no shade but only His shade.“

Articles included
Hijab Quotes
Hijab in Quran
Hijab in Islam
Hijab Controversy 
Hijab Controversy Karnataka
Hijab Quotes in English
Short Hijab Quotes
Hijab Quotes for Instagram
Hijab Quotes with images
Hijab Quotes Images

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